Monday, August 20, 2012

Your Story.

Everyone has their own story to tell. Our stories describe who we are and why. Our stories are made up of all memories and experiences (both conscious and subconscious) starting from the day we were born. As we grow older, our stories will become longer, deeper, and more complex. 

 The more you live... truly live... the more valuable your story becomes.  

Our lives are stories because they are meant to be shared. They are not meant for us to keep to ourselves. Our stories are meant to teach, guide and mentor others. This is what makes life so interesting.... every single one of us has something different to teach, to inspire. We each come from different places and we each have gone through different obstacles... and as a result, we each love differently, give differently and perceive differently. 

A lot of times we tend to form judgment towards others when their perspectives and views do not match our own. The reason we form judgment is because we do not stop and learn the other person's story first. If we first learned their story, we would understand their perspective much more... and therefore we would not be so inclined to judge because we now understand where they are coming from and why they perceive something the way they do.  

Do you believe that co-habitation is okay?  What experience do you have with co-habitation? Have you personally seen a couple live together first before marriage, and have witnessed it be a successful marriage? Or have you seen the opposite? How did that affect your perspective on co-habitation?

Do you believe in abortion? Have you ever had an abortion or know someone close to you that did? How did that affect your perspective on abortion?

What do you think about homosexuals? Are you homosexual? Do you know someone who is?  How has that affected your perspective on homosexuality?

Do you believe in religion? Were you raised a certain religion? Do your parents practice a certain religion or do not they not? How has that affected your perspective on religion?

Do you believe that divorce is okay? Are your parents divorced? How has that affected your perspective on divorce?

By learning someone's story, you're learning the whys behind their perspective. Not one person on earth has the right answer... not the president, not your mom, and not you. What we each DO have is our perspectives and what we've learned from what we've been through, what we've seen... and what has personally affected us.... our story.

Share your story and teach.
Listen to stories and learn.  

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